Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blogging Like a Boss

I spent all weekend + Monday in Tahoe with Husband. We sat around and played on our new iphones (Valentines day presents to ourselves) and took our dog on long walks by the Lake. These long walks brought to our attention how out of shape we are- though the spare tires we've been dragging around in our middles should have been our first clue.

So upon getting home we decided we are going to be super amazing exercising healthy people. I counted calories and took dog on an extra long walk! THEN I got an app on my phone to keep track of calories. I had to input my height, weight, how much I exercise and my goal weight. The result was that if I eat 1200 calories a day for six weeks then I will loose...

wait for it

building anticipation

4 POUNDS!!!!!!!

As I'm sure you can imagine the motivation that gives me to practically starve myself on a daily basis is about as much as Charlie Sheen's desire to start practicing celibacy.

So I suppose I will have to get a gym membership or start activities that involve less sitting on the couch and more sweating till I feel gross. In the mean time, I will leave you with a self portrait that didn't make the cut last week.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Person in the Mirror

The way we see ourselves is different than the way others see us. My first assignment for one of my classes this semester was a self portrait. I was excited when I heard this and my head filled with possibilities...however it proved more difficult than I thought.

I don't think I could ever be objective when drawing myself, there are just too many projected emotions, and I found myself creating drawing after drawing with all of them looking different and too few of them looking anything like me.

My first semester at AAU I was assigned to do a self portrait and my teacher was increasingly frustrated with my efforts, as was I. I remember after I brought in my first revision and he said the drawing made it look as thought someone had punched me in the jaw. Exasperated he looked at me and said "you're prettier than this Megan". A nice thing to say- and I can say that since you haven't seen my drawing- but to this day I have been unable to properly take his advice regarding my own self image. I would hope that after two years I had over come this, but it would seem that I still have a ways to go!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Jet Lagged

Zack and I are back from our Thailand honeymoon and the jet lag has been killing me! It's been a week and a half and I still can't get back to a normal sleeping pattern.

Just started school this week and was pleasantly surprised to find that my classes seem to be just what I need right now. Two of them should help me with my thesis quite a bit and the third is in matte painting, a skill which I would like to aquire.

So this is just a bit of character design I am working on for no reason at all. I know, I know, I should really be working on character design for my thesis, but sometimes when you hit a road block it's better to just draw something even if it's not the subject matter you were aiming for. I'm hoping to colorize this fine lady soon too!