Friday, June 4, 2010

She Sells Sea Shells

It's amazing how stressed I can get without even having a job or school right now. Keeping up with housework and all of our animals is pretty challenging, but I'm learning and hopefully it will get easier. So I apologize for my lack of blogging. I'm sure you all have been just desperate for a new post.

This is something that I did last semester. It's my only layout design that has a character in it (we weren't supposed to have characters in our drawings but my teacher didn't say anything about it, phew!) Why a Sea Shell Shop would be open at night is beyond me, but I just went with it.

As a little kid my family would take trips to Morro Bay and my cousins and I LOVED to collect (or buy if we had money) sea shells. So that was the inspiration for this cable car creation. Hope everyone is having a good start to summer. I have my fingers crossed that I will get some new drawings done before I start sumer school.
Hasta La vista!